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Shining a light on dodgy fossil fuel subsidies
Thousands of people demanded an inquiry into the fossil fuel subsidies costing Australia billions and cooking our climate. Now our voices have been heard. Not once, but twice. Yesterday, Labor announced it would hold a parliamentary inquiry into outrageous tax breaks for oil and gas giants. And this morning, we heard that the Government is following suit…
Farting away our future
Cows burp. Cows fart. And a lot of cows create a lot of… emanations. A lot of those farts and burps are methane gas, and methane is a massive contributor to climate change. Because it’s more efficient at absorbing heat, it’s 20-25 times worse per unit than carbon dioxide. So cow farts are serious. Trust…
Why are we under attack?
The jig’s up, my friends! This week green groups were ‘exposed’ for collaborating to protect the environment by the fossil fuel lobby, right-wing commentators in the media, and the Turnbull government. Not really that surprising. However, their criticism inadvertently revealed a far scarier truth: That the lobbyists, right-wing media and government are collaborating to do…
Three political parties, one environmental message
Despite their party differences, past Australian political leaders are agreed on one thing: the politicians of the present are failing us on the environment. Parliamentary heavyweights John Hewson, Bob Carr and Christine Milne took to the stage on Saturday, 22 October, at the National Environment Meeting, and you can see edited highlights of their speeches below.…
A Pacific Islander mother’s letter to her children about climate justice
My little darlings, on 28 July 2016 as you slept with the sound of the ocean keeping you both company, there was a big commotion on the other side of the ocean. The Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines asked 47 fossil fuel companies, including BHP Billiton, Shell and BP, to respond to a 60-page legal petition alleging…
Damn the Dams: Why we need to say no to flooding the Amazon
Imagine, for a second, if your home was sunk under water. Not temporarily flooded, like a leaky roof after heavy rains, or water on your carpet that eventually receded. But permanently. Imagine your whole town under water. That is what is currently proposed for the lands of the Munduruku people, in the heart of the…