Research and Reports
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Report: From Commitment to Action – Achieving the 30×30 target through the Global Ocean Treaty
In 2022, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.…
Report: In Hotter Water – How the Global Ocean Treaty can boost climate action
In December 2019, Greenpeace International released 30×30 In Hot Water: The climate crisis and the urgent need for ocean protection. This makes the scientific case for creating a network of marine sanctuaries covering at least 30% of the world’s ocean, both to increase marine life’s resilience to climate change and to help mitigate its effect…
Report: The ongoing animal welfare crisis from deforestation in Australia
Little has improved for wild animals since our last report on this crisis in 2017. Despite some reforms to the Vegetation Management Act in Queensland in 2018, laws and policies in both states have not greatly changed and still allow very large areas of bushland habitat for wildlife to be destroyed every year, likely harming,…
Report: How the Global Ocean Treaty can help repair high seas mismanagement
This report explores how Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) have not met their mandate for sustainably managing the impacts of fishing activity on biodiversity in international waters. It then sets out how the recently won Global Ocean Treaty (BBNJ Agreement) can remedy this systematic mismanagement of biodiversity on the high seas.
Report: Deforestation Crisis on Their Watch
Australia is a global deforestation hotspot, driven primarily by the beef industry. About every two minutes, a large football field-sized area of forest and bushland is bulldozed, putting Australia alongside places like the Amazon, Congo and Borneo on the scale of destruction.
Report: People vs Plastic – Global support for a strong Plastics Treaty
Plastic pollution has flooded our planet. Pollution from plastics touches every corner of the globe reaching the deepest parts of our oceans, the highest mountain peaks and even contaminating our rainwater. Plastics harm multiple ecosystems at every stage of their life cycle, damaging people’s health, accelerating social injustice, destroying biodiversity and fuelling the climate crisis.
Report: Unilever’s complicity in the plastics crisis
In this report, Greenpeace International investigates the reality behind these soundbites. We expose the blight of Unilever’s single-use sachets on low-income communities and the glaring gap that exists between what the company says it will do, and what it actually does.
SUBMISSION: On the Climate Change Bill 2022 and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022
A decade of inaction on climate change has seen Australia and its Pacific Island neighbours suffer through catastrophic bushfire, floods and cyclones, causing environmental, social and economic devastation. The Climate…
BRIEFING: Woodside Investor Briefing
Woodside promotes itself heavily to the public and its investors as a positive contributor to the climate transition. However, its actions indicate otherwise, and expose the company and its investors to multiple risks. Greenpeace has significant concerns about how Woodside is managing this risk. Woodside’s actions also expose the company and its investors to short-term…
MEDIA BRIEFING: IPCC’s Working Group 2 Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
This report makes clear that the climate crisis is now upon us, and will be the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. With the survival of millions of lives, ecosystems and species on the line, on a scale never before seen, there is no time to waste. We must throw every effort into tackling the…
Report: Global Warning: the threat to climate defenders in Australia
COP26 reinforced that the Australian Government is dragging its feet on climate action. Strong democratic systems and climate advocacy are now more important than ever. A new report by Greenpeace Australia Pacific, the Human Rights Law Centre and the Environmental Defenders Office documents the importance of climate activism in Australia, maps the systemic repression faced…
SUBMISSION: To the Independent Planning Commission: Santos’ Narrabri gas project risks farms, water, climate, and community.
The destructive Narrabri fossil gas drilling proposal by Santos is one of the most controversial fossil fuel projects in Australia. Greenpeace contributed to the following submission to the Independent Planning…
REPORT: Recover & Prosper, Recharging the Australian Economy with Clean Energy
We’re all feeling the effects of the COVID-19 health crisis and the economic hardship that it has brought about. Some of us are suffering more than others. The pandemic arrived at a time when Australia and our Pacific neighbours were already reeling from an unprecedented climate crisis.
REPORT: Offshore petroleum drilling and risk – A study of proposed deep-sea exploration drilling in the Great Australian Bight
Professor Tina Soliman Hunter, Professor of Petroleum Law and Director of Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law, outlines the risks of Norwegian oil giant Equinor’s plans to drill for oil…
ANALYSIS: Electrifying Victoria – the impact of election policies on prices and the climate
With the Victorian state election on a knife-edge, Greenpeace Australia Pacific has commissioned modelling on the impact the energy policies of the Victorian Labor party, Liberal/National Coalition, and Greens would have on electricity prices and carbon emissions to 2025.
REPORT: Cutting deforestation out of the palm oil supply chain
In recent years, the world’s biggest companies have woken up to the environmental costs associated with palm oil and the other commodities they buy. Nowhere are those costs more evident than in Indonesia, which has lost 31 million hectares of forest, an area almost the size of Germany, since 1990.