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Ask your MPs and Senators to #BlockBrowse
Woodside’s Browse gas project will be reviewed soon – it’s time to take action! The clock is ticking both in Western Australia and Canberra. The clock signals our window of opportunity to stop something massive. |Humpback whales travel north to the warm waters of Ningaloo Gulf to give birth to calves but sometimes they don’t…
FOI Documents Show Woodside Tried To Breach Australia’s International Ocean Agreements With Dodgy Oil Rig Dump
Documents obtained under Freedom of Information and from a public register show that giant oil and gas corporation Woodside attempted to breach Australia’s international ocean protection commitments in its attempts to dump a toxic decommissioned oil rig off the coast of Western Australia. The documents, sighted by Greenpeace Australia Pacific, show Woodside, in partnership with…
Wonders of Ningaloo Reef
Ningaloo Reef is among UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites, and one of only three located in Western Australia. This classification itself highlights the importance of Ningaloo Reef in sustaining the planet’s ecosystem. But let’s take a dive into some of the natural wonders of this reef. Greenpeace approaches the Soviet Soviet factory ship Dalniy…
The Fight Against WA Gas
Woodside are attempting to prioritise profits over our planet, with their Scarborough gas mining project. Greenpeace Asia Pacific are supporting the Conservation Council of Western Australia’s fight against the most climate-polluting project ever proposed in Australia. Greenpeace approaches the Soviet Soviet factory ship Dalniy Vostok and a harpoon ship. Bob Hunter stands at the bow…