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Equinor Bights the dust!
We did it! Norwegian oil giant Equinor has ditched its outrageous plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight! A student-led flotilla including kayaks, sailboats, paddle boards, and surfboards set sail in Apollo Bay Harbour to send a message to oil companies that they are not welcome to drill in the Great…
Australia’s Extinction Crisis
Greenpeace volunteer Tanmay Bhakta on Australia’s extinction crisis |||||| We live in a unique country. Australia has some of the most intriguing and fascinating species on the planet. Due to our geographic isolation, we have an enormous amount of species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Today, however, many of our beloved native species…
Risk to our beaches is simply not worth it
A paddle out event in Tasmania this weekend has helped to focus the local communities attention on the threats to the states beaches from an oil spill. Drone footage of Bunda Cliffs in the Great Australian Bight. The Bight is a pristine stretch of ocean off the southern coastal fringe of Western Australia, South Australia…
Election result triggers massive surge in climate action
SYDNEY, May 23, 2019 – Support for Greenpeace has skyrocketed in the wake of the Federal election result. More than 40,000 Australians who want healthy oceans, clean air, and a decent future for their children have pledged to take action with Greenpeace as a result of the election of the coal-hugging Morrison Government. “It is…
An Open Letter from the Ocean Elders
The Bight is an extraordinary marine environment: Will you protect it from dangerous oil drilling? A group of Ocean Elders including Richard Branson, Jane Goodall, Gerry Lopez, and Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, as well as three Australian Nobel Laureates have today written to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten…
Ocean Elders call on Bill Shorten and Scott Morrison to protect Great Australian Bight from oil
SYDNEY, May 10, 2019 – A group of Ocean Elders including Richard Branson, Jane Goodall and Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, as well as three Australian Nobel Laureates have today written to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten urging them to protect the Great Australian Bight from oil drilling.The ‘Ocean…
Labor to review consequences of an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight
SYDNEY, May 8, 2019 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific has welcomed Australian Labor Party leader Bill Shorten’s commitment to review the consequences of an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight, and called on the party to go further by ruling out the project.Greenpeace Australia Pacific senor campaigner, Nathaniel Pelle, said that a genuine review would…
Greenpeace exposes murky influence network that entrenches coal’s power over Liberal and National parties
SYDNEY, May 8, 2019 – As Australians prepare to cast their votes, a new report by Greenpeace lifts the lid on a secretive cabal that has embedded itself in the highest levels of the Morrison government, benefitting the coal industry at the expense of communities, families, and the environment. You won’t find it on your…
We are in a climate and extinction crisis. Let’s act like it: Greenpeace
SYDNEY, May 4, 2019 – While Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten lock horns over their policies, both are failing to address the climate emergency with credible plans.In response to the Australian Labor Party’s announcement of a new environment policy today, Greenpeace Australia Pacific said any party seeking to form government needs a plan to stop…
‘Please Bill Shorten we have to protect Australia’s Southern Reef’
February 25, 2019: Activists have taken a message to senior Labor MPs, including opposition leader Bill Shorten, in Sydney and Melbourne asking them to protect the Great Australian Bight from oil drilling.Environmentalists staged simultaneous actions at the offices of Tony Burke, Tanya Plibersek, and Bill Shorten implying that the current government is putting the Bight…