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Garnaut’s Urgent Message Lost In Emissions Trading Hysteria
Someone should explain to Michael Costa that the point of an emissions trading scheme is to reduce greenhouse pollution. It’s not a PR exercise so that it looks like we’re doing something about climate change. Because in the meantime, as Professor Ross Garnaut pointed out in his draft report on Friday, increased temperatures will wipe…
Latest Anvil Hill legal case fails, but campaign continues!
George Woods from Rising Tide The controversial Anvil Hill open cut coal mine has become a symbol not only for the rampant expansion of the coal industry in the Hunter Valley and its contribution to greenhouse gas pollution, but also of the failure of state and federal legislation to provide a responsible planning and accountability…
The time to save our planet is nigh
Think of all those gifts the planet has given you. That quick dip in the river on a hot day. A clear starry night. The wonderland of colour on a snorkelling trip to the Barrier Reef. A perfect tomato. And now the world’s top scientists have a issued a grim warning. They’ve said if we…