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The Trump effect: How far back has he pushed us?
The election of Donald Trump to the U.S. Presidency in November 2016 threw a lot of people into a tailspin, and the actions out of the White House since he took office in January have been cause for concern on a number of fronts. On the 100th Day of the Trump Administration, we are in…
Our oceans are under attack; How can you help?
"We are here today to take decisive action to nurture and protect the lifeblood of our planet. Oceans and seas cover two-thirds of our home," explains Guterres.
If You Think The Turnbull Government Is Populist, Then You Don’t Understand Populism
It’s tempting to brand Malcolm Turnbull a spineless populist. While the first bit may be right, the second clearly isn’t. This piece was originally published on New Matilda. In the wake of a shock pro-Brexit decision and Donald Trump’s election win large sections of the global intelligentsia were quick to announce the arrival of a…
How much trash do you produce in a week?
If you could see all the waste you produce, would it change the way you consume? This photographer is hoping so. Australians produce a lot of waste. According to Clean Up Australia, the amount of waste that hits landfill in Australia every year is enough to cover the entire state of Victoria. The average Australian…
Save our bees
A world without bees. Some may think this is impossible or even’ who cares’ but the truth is it’s already happening in many parts of the world. In some cases, farmers have to resort to hiring people to climb trees and pollinate flowers. Guest blog by Emmanuel Farrugia from A world without bees. Some may think this is impossible…
Think you can reverse global warming?
On a brisk, sunny morning in the middle of Sydney’s business district, people were greeted with a surprise. Standing out against the concrete a mysterious 2m tall exhibit sat lonely in the square. On a brisk, sunny morning in the middle of Sydney’s business district, people were greeted with a surprise. Standing out against the concrete a…
To protect free speech, lend your voice – literally!
Can you imagine a world in which Greenpeace and other advocacy groups were no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? A A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products can — and is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality. Watch the video: For years, Greenpeace has campaigned to…
Here comes the BOOM: Seismic testing
It comes as no real surprise that oil companies are gunning to begin seismic testing in one of the last truly unspoilt stretches of ocean. The Great Australian Bight has been on the radar of greedy oil companies for the past few years now, and the battle continues to protect it. Humpback whale with young…
16 (Adorable) Reasons to Protect Canada’s Boreal Forest
Canada’s boreal forest is home to stunning landscapes and a spectacular array of wildlife. But corporate logging giant Resolute Forest Products wants to intimidate and silence people like you fighting to protect forests. |Black bear (Ursus americanus) in the Great Bear Rainforest. Black bears live in forests across Canada. These omnivores have better eyesight and…