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APEC NGO Media Centre opens – Monday Agenda
Real time comment and analysis of the APEC summit from international NGO experts: Greenpeace, Caritas, Christian World Service, Climate Action Network Australia, GetUp!,Tear Australia, Union Aid Abroad.
APEC, security and the need to protest
It would seem that the battle lines are drawn. On one side are thousands of highly trained police with batons, tazers and a brand spanking new water canon. On the other side are the people of Sydney. Hang on a minute. Isn’t there something wrong here? In an era of anti-terrorist hype, it is all…
Hundreds strip on glacier to protest global warming
Six hundred people recently shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to protests against global warming. Without clothes, the human body is vulnerable, exposed, its life or death at the whim of the elements. Global warming is stripping away our glaciers and leaving our entire planet vulnerable to extreme weather, floods, sea-level…
And another renewable energy company bites the dust
The Howard’s government’s persistent failure to support renewable energy claimed another victim today with the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer Vestas announcing it was shutting its Portland factory in Victoria. Unless the Howard government or the ALP intervenes by increasing Australia’s pathetic 2% renewable energy target 136 workers at the factory will lose their jobs,…
Toxic Effect Of A Decade Of Skepticism
One of the most toxic effects of a decade of climate skepticism and Greenie-bashing from the Howard Government has been the impact on the media. Journalists tell stories of pressure from Ministerial advisors and the ‘Greenhouse Mafia’ in industry when they debunk nuclear power, clean coal or talk about the most worrying climate impacts. It…
Greenpeace welcomes electric hot water ban
Today the ALP today announced that they intend to phase out the installation of electric hot water systems over the next 5 years. Greenpeace welcomed the announcement as a positive and simple measure which will make a significant impact on household greenhouse pollution. (Some of the coverage can be seen in the SMH and the…
Leaked copy of APEC Leaders Statement
Today we were leaked a copy of the draft APEC leaders’ statement on climate change. For a minute, it sounded like APEC might actually do something good on climate change. A quick read through the document, however, confirmed our suspicions: that APEC is being driven by the John Howard and George W Bush anti-Kyoto agenda.…
Howard government full of climate sceptics
The little-known House of Representatives standing committee on science and innovation today released a report summarising its inquiry into geosequestration (capturing and burying CO2). While most were expecting that the most interesting part of the report would be estimates about when geosequestration would be available (if ever) and how much it would be likely to…
Turnbull upstaged by climate victims
We’ve all had days like this. Everything seems fine, you’re working to plan and even hopeful of a 5pm finish when suddenly, someone throws a massive rock in your pond and all plans go completely astray. That’s what happened today, when we got a tip-off that Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull was on Bondi Beach with…
Climate heating up on the hustings
Things are heating up in the eastern suburbs Melbourne seat of Deakin. Sitting member Phil Baressi has in recent months been the subject of a Greenpeace leaflet which highlighted that Mr Baressi hasn’t mentioned the words climate change in Parliament in his 11 years of office. The leaflet was letterboxed in Deakin from April to…