Woodside’s Dirty Gas
Right now the Federal Government is considering whether to approve this massive gas project that would do unthinkable harm to our oceans and our climate. Sign the petition now to tell Woodside to stop its dangerous gas project.

Woodside plans to drill up to 80 gas wells off the coast of WA in some of the world’s most biodiverse waters – including 50 wells around Scott Reef. Pristine coral reefs, pygmy blue whales, endangered turtles and countless other marine life in Western Australia’s oceans are all at risk. We have the tools to stop Woodside. With your power behind us, we will.
Sign petitionThe problem
Woodside’s Burrup Hub is Australia’s biggest climate threat. Over its lifetime, the Burrup Hub will belch out 6.1 billion tonnes of climate pollution and would see up to 80 new gas wells drilled off the coast of Western Australia. This monstrous gas expansion could impact 12 different marine parks, including Ningaloo Reef. It would put 54 threatened species of marine life at risk and lock Australia into more fossil fuels as the rest of the world shifts to cleaner, cheaper renewable energy.

What is Greenpeace doing?
Greenpeace Australia Pacific has been fighting Woodside’s Burrup Hub since 2021. Greenpeace has confronted the fossil fuel giant at sea, outside its office, inside its AGM and called out Woodside online, in the news and in Parliament. 400,000 of us have signed a petition calling for Woodside to walk away from its Burrup Hub. We’ve exposed the trash it left in the ocean, 25,000 of us have emailed their MP calling for its plans to be stopped and we’re taking Woodside to court for misleading the public.
What is the Burrup Hub?
Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas project is Australia’s biggest climate threat. Woodside wants to exploit massive amounts of gas from under the ocean floor in northern Western Australia – with 85% slotted for export overseas as liquefied gas (LNG). The Burrup Hub includes the Scarborough and Browse offshore gas fields, a second processing train at the Pluto onshore gas processing facility, and a 50 year extension to the life of the North West Shelf onshore gas processing facility.
Is Woodside’s gas project bad for climate change?
Yes. Gas is a polluting fossil fuel that is responsible for climate change. It contains large amounts of methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gasses which traps 86 times more heat than carbon dioxide.
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report found that the world already has enough fossil fuel infrastructure to push us over 1.5˚C. To stave off the worst effects of climate change for people and nature, we must cut down our emissions and transition to clean energy – fast. Yet the Burrup Hub, if completed, would add 6.1 billion tonnes of climate pollution: 12 times Australia’s annual emissions.
What about wildlife and the oceans?
Woodside wants to drill over 80 gas wells in some of the world’s most biodiverse waters. 50 wells are planned to surround Scott Reef – some located as close as 2km from the edge of the reef. If an accident were to take place, it could impact up to 12 marine parks including Ningaloo Reef.
Woodside’s dredging, drilling and pipelaying would cut through whale migration routes and threaten nesting sites for endangered sea turtles. A spill at Browse could decimate corals at Australia’s magnificent Scott Reef, and reach as far as Indonesian waters. And the risks go on and on.
Your donation can help protect the oceans
You can help stop the biggest fossil fuel project currently proposed in Australia to protect precious whales, dolphins, turtles – and our climate – from devastation. Your regular gift, just once every four weeks, will ensure we have a stable base of funds to fight daily for a clean and safe future for our planet and all who call it home.
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