Like life, fruit and veg in plastic are not at all fantastic.

As you may know, we’ve been campaigning against excessive plastic use in the produce aisles of Coles and Woolies.
To get a handle on the extent of the problem, we asked our supporters to send in their most absurd encounters of ridiculous plastic packaging on fresh fruits and vegetables.
We had an overwhelming amount of responses. Here are a few that we loved to hate the most!

Days of Action: “Stickering” events allowed us to show Coles and Woolies which fruits and vegetables we want to see plastic-free in the future.
No way our earth is going to live apple-y ever after once all this packaging seeps into our oceans!
This packaging shucks. What happened to the husk, or as we like to call it, natural packaging?
A root awakening – Coles and Woolies are convinced potatoes can’t survive without all this packaging, but we’d be thrilled to prove them wrong.
Getting Coles and Woolies to remove excessive packaging from their stores has been an incredibly cucumbersome process – and we need your help.
Lettuce take a moment to realise how utterly shameful all this packaging is! Help us tell Coles and Woolies that this needs to end.
I’m no expert, but don’t the bananas on the left look far more a-peeling than those on the right?
Coles and Woolies have announced that they will test out cutting back on plastic for produce items. But we’re not so convinced: both stores have temporarily gone back on the recent plastic bag ban that took effect earlier this month. If these stores can’t ban the bag, how will they be able to manage ousting ridiculous packaging in produce?
As consumers, we can harness the power of collective action to tell Coles and Woolies what their buyers want. Do you want plastic free produce and a better future for our lands and oceans?
Join the movement today and sign our petition against plastic packaging: the thyme is now!
Want to see more? Follow our Instagram page, @ridiculouspackaging, for more community submissions! Additionally, feel free to snap some images of your own and send them in to [email protected].