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  • Kyoto Ground Hog Day

    Do you ever wake up and feel, to use that US expression, like it is ‘Ground Hog Day’? Well, today is one of those days with Malcolm Turnbull saying that Australia may consider signing ‘a modified Kyoto Protocol’. The Australian Government is reportedly re-considering their support for the Kyoto Protocol. But nowhere do they say…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Anvil Hill becomes a hot potato

    Next week, ownership of the controversial Anvil Hill coal mine will officially pass from Centennial Coal to Swiss mining giant Xstrata. It’s a clear sign that widespread community opposition to the mine has had a big impact and has turned Anvil Hill into a hot potato. According to media reports, Centennial managing director Bob Cameron…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • New report by Dr Mark Diesendorf: Pathways to a low carbon future

    What would Australia look like in 2020 if our Governments got serious about climate change? According to Dr Mark Diesendorf we can cut our greenhouse pollution by 30% by 2020, but only if we get really serious about shifting from coal to renewables, massively increasing energy efficiency and decarbonising our transport fleet. We will also…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Proposed coal-fired power stations

    So the current Minister for the Environment Malcolm Turnbull’s latest hollow pre-election statement is that the Australian ‘world of electricity’ should be zero emissions by 2050 (ABC television 24 September 2007). It’s hard not to be cynical when one contrasts the rhetoric of the government with what is actually happening in the ‘world of electricity’…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Why I stopped the Kooragang coal loader

    Hi I’m Kerrie, one of the activists that stopped the Kooragang coal loader in February this year. I grew up in Newcastle and believe that we need to “Quit Coal” and we need to do it now! There is no time to waste as we only have a very small window of opportunity to stop…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Govt climate ad campaign not so clever

    After ten years of being a climate sceptic, John Howard begrudgingly pronounced himself a climate change realist. But while the rhetoric has changed, Government policy hasn’t. Australia’s greenhouse pollution continues to soar as the renewables industry slowly but surely packs its bags and heads overseas. Meanwhile the coal industry continues to expand with the help…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Taking the Prime Minister for a walk…

    With John Howard all set to call the election, we rolled out our team of polar bears this morning to trail the Prime Minister on what could be his final morning walk from The Lodge. We were there raise the profile of The Big Switch campaign, the prime web-tool for Australians to express their views…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Controversial Anvil Hill mine sold to Xstrata

    Yesterday’s announcement that Centennial Coal, Australia’s largest independent coal company, has failed in its plan to develop one of the richest coal seams in NSW, is a huge victory for people concerned about climate change as well as concerned locals in the Hunter Valley. The proposed Anvil Hill coal mine has been faced with growing…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Our APEC wrap-up

    The end of the APEC meeting is a bit of a collective sigh for Sydney-siders but a disappointing for those of us hoping that it would be the first meeting in a decade where John Howard and George Bush stopped trying to undermine international action on climate change. Alas, it was not to be. The…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • The Sydney Distraction

    We have been waiting most of the day for the official announcement on the Sydney Declaration on climate change that is coming out of the APEC meeting. We were leaked the final draft which looks like business as usual for coal, oil and uranium companies. Which means, if this is the final statement, we are…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific