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What Happens in the Arctic Doesn’t Stay in the Arctic – Four Reasons why the Court Case Against Arctic Oil Could Make History
As people and governments around the world are starting to act on climate change, the Norwegian government is moving in the opposite direction – opening up the remote Arctic for new oil drilling and putting people’s lives at risk. MY Arctic Sunrise moored in Svalbard. The winter of 2015/ 2016 represents a record low for…
It’s all Happening in Port Augusta
Alot can happen pretty quickly here in Port Augusta. Only yesterday I was getting ready to launch a campaign with Greenpeace to ask the South Australian government to follow through on their original promise to pay for the remediation of Bird Lake. Bird Lake has dried up after the closure of the Alinta power plant…
Why we should be having tea with the enemy
I received a super excited Snapchat the other day. A friend of mine has almost finished his degree in engineering and he’s already been offered a job… at BP. British Petroleum. At first, I wanted to be angry. I hoped he’d turn it down, but the more I think about it, the more I hope…
Tackling Tuna – How People Took On the Biggest Tuna Company and Won
Today is a big day for our oceans. It is good news for sea turtles and sharks, sea birds and tuna. It is also a great day for hundreds of thousands of workers at sea, many of whom have been victims of horrendous working conditions and human rights abuses. Today is a big day for…
To protect free speech, lend your voice – literally!
Can you imagine a world in which Greenpeace and other advocacy groups were no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? A A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products can — and is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality. Watch the video: For years, Greenpeace has campaigned to…
Here comes the BOOM: Seismic testing
It comes as no real surprise that oil companies are gunning to begin seismic testing in one of the last truly unspoilt stretches of ocean. The Great Australian Bight has been on the radar of greedy oil companies for the past few years now, and the battle continues to protect it. Humpback whale with young…
Greenpeace Supporter Profile
Greenpeace Australia Pacific can’t be involved in every local environmental issue. But we love to encourage our courageous supporters who are doing important local work. Below is an interview with Neil Marriott who describes one such situation. What first agitated you to care about environmental issues? My father loved the bush and I helped…
A woman’s place is in the movement
We, as a nation, celebrated International Women’s Day for 2017. It is safe to say that for many of us this particular day means a lot. Not only to celebrate the growth of equality us women have achieved throughout the decades but to shine a bright light on the issues society as a whole have…