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Biodiversity loss: urgent need for forest, ocean protection and dietary change
The report added that most of the global 2020 targets for the protection of nature outlined in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (Aichi biodiversity targets) will not be met, undermining half of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Emma Thompson: “If we want to save orangutans from extinction we need to save their home”
The first time I saw an orangutan in real life, I nearly peed with fright! I heard a great commotion in the trees above me and there he was, swinging through the branches, his huge plate-shaped face staring down. Rang-tan is the story of a little girl and her orangutan friend forced from her forest…
Scientists and public figures call for Amazon Reef protection – the full letter
The Amazon Reef is a precious and unique ecosystem which extends for over 9500km² off the northern coast of Brazil A group of 40 scientists naturalists, explorers and broadcasters are sounding the alarm over oil companies’ spill threat to the Amazon Reef. Read the full story here. The letter The Amazon Reef is a precious and…
Palm oil: The harmful forest-killer hiding in your grocery cart
What if we told you purchasing a pack of your favourite cookies could be directly contributing to deforestation? You might be surprised to find out just how many of your daily products contain palm oil – the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet. Greenpeace activists deliver petitions to PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson &…
Authors around the world take a stand for free speech
Authors, journalists, poets and playwrights know that every time the right words are put to paper, or typed to a screen, our planet gets a little better. Because, without the right to express ourselves freely, we cannot achieve change in the world. A Greenpeace supporter uses a megaphone to make clear her thoughts during the…
To protect free speech, lend your voice – literally!
Can you imagine a world in which Greenpeace and other advocacy groups were no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? A A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products can — and is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality. Watch the video: For years, Greenpeace has campaigned to…
16 (Adorable) Reasons to Protect Canada’s Boreal Forest
Canada’s boreal forest is home to stunning landscapes and a spectacular array of wildlife. But corporate logging giant Resolute Forest Products wants to intimidate and silence people like you fighting to protect forests. |Black bear (Ursus americanus) in the Great Bear Rainforest. Black bears live in forests across Canada. These omnivores have better eyesight and…
REPORT: Clearcutting Free Speech
Canada’s Great Northern Boreal Forest, stewarded by Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial, includes some of the world’s last large expanses of undisturbed natural forest, is home to threatened species, and…