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Award winning awards. Or is it just greenwash?
We’re approaching corporate AGM season. It’s an inspiring time of year. As the birds begin nesting and the spring flowers bloom, countless annual reports with pictures of smiling children and windmills will be printed on glossy recycled paper, reminding us all of the ability of companies to pretend that they care about something other than…
Meet Katherine aka Barbie
Katherine Higgins from Melbourne is one of our wonderful volunteers. She recently took action as the not-so-wonderful ‘rainforest destroyer’ Barbie. Here Katherine talks about her motivations for volunteering with Greenpeace’s environmental campaigns. How long have you volunteered with Greenpeace? I’ve been volunteering with Greenpeace in Melbourne for 5 months. Last year, I lived in…
Be the voice on our tower!
As Johnnie Farnham once wisely said “You’re the voice, try and understand it. Make a noise and make it clear. Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o”. So be the voice on our upcoming activity targeting ANZ! Your message could be on our huge 12m coal power cooling tower situated outside ANZ’s fancy HQ in Melbourne very soon. ANZ is…
What drives me to jump? (Part Two)
As a new year breaks and my hangover subsides, like many people, I like to think of some goals to work towards in the coming year. To build a meaningful list that is not just based on the token ‘get fitter’, ‘learn an exotic language’ ambitions, I think it’s good to reflect on the year…
ANZ exposed by secret pollution deal
Press release – 21 November, 2010Greenpeace is condemning ANZ’s hypocrisy after revelations the bank tried to hide a $150 million loan to recommission a highly polluting power station in Western Australia. This came just two weeks after accepting a major international award for ‘climate change mitigation and environmental performance.’This weekend’s Financial Review revealed that the…
What drives me to jump? An activists motivation
Kristen McDonald is a trained Greenpeace climbing activist. Her latest pursuit was hanging a banner of ANZ’s HQ in Brisbane – urging the bank to take responsibility for its actions and stop polluting our world. Here in a two-part blog she talks about her motivations for taking action. [youtube][/youtube] What drives me to jump?’ they…
Are the banks starting to walk away from coal?
On Friday it was revealed that for the first time, a bank had insisted on a confidentiality clause as part of a finance deal for a coal power station — so that its name could not be revealed for fear of reputational damage. Yesterday, Westpac announced in its annual sustainability report that they “will avoid…
Greenpeace urges dirtiest bank to come clean
Press release – 21 October, 2010Greenpeace activists have ended today’s protest at ANZ after the company agreed to high level discussions on the future financing of polluting power.The climbers had been in place since 8.15 am (EST) this morning, having scaled ANZ’s Queensland HQ to hang a giant banner displaying Australia’s dirtiest bank’s new logo:…
Greenpeace does a bank job
Press release – 21 October, 2010This morning at 8.15 am (EST) Greenpeace activists scaled ANZ’s Brisbane HQ at 324 Queen Street, hanging a giant banner displaying Australia’s dirtiest bank’s new logo: ‘ANZ: We pollute your world’”Despite boasting to customers of its plans to be carbon neutral, ANZ is the biggest financer of pollution in Australia,”…