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Dirty bank takes out "Sustainability" Award
Press release – 9 September, 2010The announcement this afternoon that ANZ bank has topped the sector category in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index serves to further erode public trust in the term ‘sustainability’.On its own website, ANZ boasts of being Australia’s largest funder of coal – the key driver of pollution and global warming. Just…
Unjust sentence for anti-whaling activists
Press release – 6 September, 2010Greenpeace has condemned a one-year jail term, suspended for three years, imposed on two Greenpeace activists who exposed widespread corruption in the Japanese government’s Southern Ocean whaling programme.Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki were today convicted of theft and trespass after carrying out a public interest investigation into whale meat embezzlement…
Time for action is now
Press release – 2 September, 2010An unlikely coalition representing millions of Australians has urged politicians from across the spectrum to put a price on pollution and take action on climate change. The joint statement to the Independent MPs and all political parties is supported by groups representing workers, the church, environmental and social justice groups…
Major Australian paper companies destroy Tiger and Orangutan habitat
Press release – 16 June, 2010Jakarta/Sydney 6 June 2010 –Major paper producers in Australia are driving Sumatran tigers and orang-utans to extinction by selling products made from the trashing of Indonesia’s rainforests, a new Greenpeace report reveals today.The report – Pulping the Planet – shows how major international companies such as KFC and Walmart are…
GUILTY! UN finds Japanese authorities violated human rights of Greenpeace anti-whaling activists
Press release – 8 February, 2010The United Nations has ruled that the Japanese Government breached international human rights law by detaining two Greenpeace activists who uncovered major corruption in the Japanese whaling programme. (1)One week before the "Tokyo Two", Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, stand trial on February 15th, it has been revealed that the…