Time ticking away for Howard and Bush
On Wednesday, Greenpeace and Make Poverty History carted two ice sculptures of John Howard and George W. Bush around Sydney, sending a message to that there is little time left to take meaningful action on climate change and calling on both leaders to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Many developing nations are on the front line…
APEC Day 4 video-wrap
Greenpeace Energy campaigner Mark Wakeham gives a video wrap of Thursday 6th September – Day 4 of APEC.
Renewable energy R&D- hung out to dry
At a time when we need to get renewable energy up to scale fast to reduce our greenhouse pollution, surely we’d be supporting research and development in Australia? Unfortunately not, as a new Greenpeace report released today shows. In 2005-06 in fact we put ten times more funds into fossil fuel R&D than we did…
Students take direct action against coal
As I write, 20 student activists are peacefully blockading the Newcastle coal loader to highlight the insanity of expanding the world’s biggest coal port at a time when we need urgent cuts in greenhouse emissions (see coverage on abc and SMH). Yesterday, activists shut down power generation at the Loy Yang power station in Gippsland’s…
NGO Media Centre Agenda for Tuesday 3 September
What’s on the agenda for the media centre for Tuesday? 9.30 a.m. US Iraqi war veteran Matt Howard speaks out against the war on Iraq. WithProf Jake Lynch from the Centre for Global Peace and conflict studies, Sydney University. 11.30 a.m. Caritas CEO Jack de Groot challenges APEC on poverty alleviation. 12.00 – 1.00pm Panel…
On the ground view of APEC coal action
Yesterday I was one of the eleven Greenpeace activists arrested for painting the side of a coal ship in Newcastle with the message ‘Australia Pushing Export Coal’. The message is clear, Howard’s agenda in the APEC meeting is to ensure the future of Australian coal exports, and consequences be damned. The Australian Federal Government is…
APEC NGO Media Centre opens – Monday Agenda
Real time comment and analysis of the APEC summit from international NGO experts: Greenpeace, Caritas, Christian World Service, Climate Action Network Australia, GetUp!,Tear Australia, Union Aid Abroad.
APEC, security and the need to protest
It would seem that the battle lines are drawn. On one side are thousands of highly trained police with batons, tazers and a brand spanking new water canon. On the other side are the people of Sydney. Hang on a minute. Isn’t there something wrong here? In an era of anti-terrorist hype, it is all…
Hundreds strip on glacier to protest global warming
Six hundred people recently shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to protests against global warming. Without clothes, the human body is vulnerable, exposed, its life or death at the whim of the elements. Global warming is stripping away our glaciers and leaving our entire planet vulnerable to extreme weather, floods, sea-level…
And another renewable energy company bites the dust
The Howard’s government’s persistent failure to support renewable energy claimed another victim today with the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer Vestas announcing it was shutting its Portland factory in Victoria. Unless the Howard government or the ALP intervenes by increasing Australia’s pathetic 2% renewable energy target 136 workers at the factory will lose their jobs,…