From the Capitol Climate Action with 300 people in Washington, to the 2500 strong protest marking the first sitting day of Australian Parliament, to the action overnight in Brussels; people across the world are saying “enough we demand a better world.”

Around the world people are facing their fears of a changing climate and taking arms against our sea of troubles. Governments and industries are paralysed by a need for eternal growth fed on the fossils of our past. Ordinary people can see that this blind continuation of technologies of the last 200 years is failing us.

This is just the beginning. Copenhagen will mark a turning point, a chance for governments to stop the pollution that is choking us all, or to face the wrath of a decidedly civil society turning to their own means to force change.

In a 21st century where we have learnt the power of individual action, there is change coming. Born of an understanding of the urgency of climate change, the failure of capitalism and modern governments to recognise there is no growth on a dead planet; citizens are flexing their democratic muscles.

Civil disobedience is the bastion of the righteous, a tool kit for people who can see a problem and rise to the challenge of forcing change. By withdrawing their consent from civil society and taking matters into their own hands, we see a group of individuals ready to take their fight to the power holders.

From withdrawing support for the industries we know are unsustainable, to showing up on the doorsteps of politicians, to shutting down coal fired power stations with 4 people and a bicycle lock, we will not consent to the destruction of our future.

History has shown the bravery of movements and their courage in the face of adversity has and will continue to make the world a better place.

The governments and industry who say people won’t want change, won’t pay for a better world, are seeing the start of a different paradigm. A consumer who is prepared to face gaol to see their planet saved, will cop an increase in their electricity prices and if they have no options of a better choice, will cease their payments.

It is not something one undertakes lightly, the breaking of the law, it is a powerful moment, to decide that the laws of our countries, must be subverted to uphold the higher law, that of preservation of life.

What else do we do? In the light of what we understand, with the strength of our belief, and need to secure a safe future for our planet and ourselves there is no choice. Silence is consent, and around the world people are dissenting. This is the next social revolution, this is the line in the sand, and pity the Governments who underestimates the power and convictions of ordinary people.

Is it appropriate in a world where our scientists condemn our Governments for their short sightedness, for us to leave our fate in the hands of vested interests? What would YOU do to stop climate change? Are you prepared to take to the streets to save our climate?