All articles

  • Budget Aftermath: Part 1, or "Hope!"

    I’ve had quite a lot of time to contemplate tonight’s federal budget, having spent four hours in the Treasury lock-up with papers open to pages numbering into the 300s and a confused look on my face shouting: “WHAT? … HUH? … OK, so it’s $100 coming from this department, but only allocated after the first…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Carbon Pollution Scheme Still = Fail

    Following months of relentless criticism, the Government were forced last week to announce change to the proposed emissions trading scheme. Unsurprisingly, most business groups welcomed the changes while environmentalists, with a few notable exceptions, slammed it. The opposition continued to take their role literally despite the Government addressing virtually all of the concerns they had…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Budgeting For Climate Change?

    It might not carry the same grandeur, excitement and anticipation as other annual events like Christmas, Melbourne Cup Day or New Year’s Eve, but the Federal Budget each May is one of those events that not only captures much of our attention, but sucks up our cash and often leaves us feeling a little bit…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Melbourne World Record Attempt

    What:      Climate Change Human Sign Date:       Sunday 17 May 2009 Time:      11:00 am (sharp) for about an hour, rain of shine this outdoor event proceeds. Where:    St.Kilda Beach in front of the St.Kilda Sea Baths (Melway Map 2N, J7) Cost:        Free. There will also be free entertainment for children.People from all…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Origami Whales Win International Web Award

    We’re very proud of our origami whales – our interactive website where you can pimp up your own origami whale to send off to Japan with a message asking their government to stop whaling. The website won a People’s Voice Award in this year’s international Webby Awards. » Check out the website and add your…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Rudd Going From Bad to Worse on Climate

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse … Yesterday the government performed a policy back flip on its emissions trading scheme. Unfortunately the acrobatic feat landed us even further in the mire. Instead of showing some much needed leadership, Prime Minister Rudd delayed and watered down his already dismal plans. It couldn’t have…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Will Iceland End Commercial Whaling?

    The big news in Iceland this week has been the election of a new Government which has previously said it will look at ending commercial whaling. The world’s first openly gay leader, Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir will lead a coalition government formed from Social Democratic Alliance and the Left Green Movement. Just before he was…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Vote for the Origami Whales

    We’ve had awesome news in the office! Our Origami Whales interactive website is finalist in the 2009 Webby Awards – the equivalent of the Oscars for the web! The petition site was launched almost a year ago, asking the Japanese Prime Minister to cease whaling in the Southern Ocean. Users can pimp their own origami…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • A Mother Of A Victory For This Rainforest

    We’ve been celebrating an enormous win over the past few days. More than one-third of Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest — the largest intact area of temperate rainforest in the world — is officially and legally off-limits to logging. It’s an area half the size of Switzerland. One person who’s especially jubillant at the news is…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read
  • Antarctic Ice Shelf On The Rocks

    As if you needed more evidence that the climate’s on thin ice. In Antarctica, an ice bridge that was holding the vast Wilkins Ice Shelf to the continent has collapsed. It’s likely Wilkins will soon follow. The ice bridge has been retreating since the late 1990s. In 1950, it was almost 100km wide but, just…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific 1 min read