Today, most people have one thing on their mind: where can I get what I’m looking for in the quickest way possible? From instant messaging to same day shipping, it would seem as though we’ve acquired a need for speed. So would slowing down in this fast paced world seem counter intuitive?

The rise of industry-processed food has made getting quick and cheap food easier than ever before. With fast food joints at the corner of almost every street, we are bombarded with multiple options on how to get the biggest bang for our buck. While we may save on our food bills, we end up spending thousands on our health bills.
Introducing the locavore movement; where people are sustaining their lives through local production, moving away from processed packages and instead onto seasonal sustenance. The benefits aren’t just for the environment, they’re for our bodies too!
So why should you go local?
Power to the People
Sure, we may decrease our carbon footprint and reduce the effects of climate change since our food isn’t traveling thousands of miles, but who’s counting? Eating locally hands the power back to the consumer and allows us to monitor where our food is coming from. We end up supporting a safer food supply, one with less chances of contamination.
Tastes Better
There’s no denying that food in season tastes better. Considering the fact that it’s grown right by you, your fruits and veggies retain their nutrients, adding to their peak deliciousness. Plus, with no need for chemicals to extend their shelf life, locally grown foods are delivered fresh to your plate.
Builds Community
Moved into a new neighbourhood? Tired of the monotony of big chain supermarkets? Buying from local farms builds community by supporting relations between farmers and consumers. Talking to the producers not only gives you insights into your food, but also into the world it comes from. These people then turn into friendly familiar faces, ones that add to your community feel.
The Better Option
It’s hard to deny the health and environmental benefits that come from eating locally. Making the transition may seem daunting at first, but taking baby steps will ease you into the process. Start small and build your way up. Before you know it, you’ll be calling yourself a locavore in no time.
How YOU can make a difference:
While you’re at it, don’t forget to carry your own reusable bag to seem like an expert shopper. Let go of those unnecessary plastic bags altogether and join our movement to #banthebag here:
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