The story behind Greenpeace’s latest animated film ‘There’s a Monster in My Kitchen’.

Jag-wah’s forest home is being burnt down to grow animal feed for meat. If we don’t act, more precious habitats will be ruined, Indigenous Peoples could lose their homes, and we’ll lose the fight against climate change. Watch the film.

Greenpeace’s latest animated film ‘There’s a monster in my kitchen’ might feel familiar. A follow up to the highly emotive ‘There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom’ film which highlighted the role of palm oil in deforestation, this time round we’re unveiling the truth of industrial meat production and how it is wreaking havoc on forests across South America. 

Industrial meat is the world’s largest cause of deforestation. Meat has become big business, and it’s produced on a scale that our planet simply can’t sustain. But if we switched to a higher plant-food diet, we’d need a lot less land to grow it.

Fires are used as a tool by the industrial meat industry to clear vast areas of forest in the Amazon and elsewhere to make way for cattle farms and to grow enough crops to feed billions of farmed animals across the globe. It seems that in today’s world, trees are worth more when they’re burned to the ground.  

We need to hold companies to account

We need to end the role of industrial meat in deforestation and climate change, and challenge big supermarkets and fast-food chains to drop forest destroyers from their supply chains and encourage meat and dairy alternatives that are plant-based and don’t cost the earth. They must avoid fuelling the problem. 

If we lose the world’s forests like the Amazon, we lose precious wildlife and the home of many Indigenous Peoples. The Amazon is the lungs of our planet, and the life blood for many communities. With out trees who absorb so much of our carbon, we will also lose the fight against climate change – putting us all in danger.

Watch and share this film to help spread the word about this greedy, bloated and destructive industry.

Your ongoing support is the most effective way to contribute by helping us with long term campaign goals. Protecting forests will not only preserve biodiversity and defend the rights of forest communities, it’s also one of the quickest and most cost effective ways of halting climate change.