For Evergreen 2022
The celebrated Australian author shares some insightful stories about the environment.

Earlier this year, Di Morrissey, celebrated Australian author and longtime Greenpeace supporter, joined us for our digital WA Gas event. We invited her to share some stories about the environment and offer book recommendations to all of you.
“I have been a longtime supporter of Greenpeace. I first met David Ritter at a Perth writers Festival. I did a promotional video for Greenpeace. So I was happy to be part of the panel.”
“I lived in Byron bay for many years and became involved with Wally and (the late) Trish Franklin who were documenting all the whales’ migration and photographing and identifying each one,” she said.
“I went out on a research boat one morning with some uni grads involved in the program and one had his camera at the ready as a baby whale calf surfaced and he snapped a photo. To our surprise it was an all-white male soon to be named Migaloo…the first one.
“I believe he is still around. It was breathtaking. I have that photo on the wall of my office. It reminds me every day of how precious and threatened our planet is.”
Here are some enlightening books about the environment and activism
–Nine Lives For the Planet by John Watts. “About 9 local women doing wonderful things for our planet.”
–The Call of the Reed Warbler by Charles Massey. “The first book on land regeneration that I read. Told by Charle’s own experiences in turning his property over to regenerative farming. He is very inspirational.”
-Tim Flannery’s The Weather Makers. “Published in 2005, he was way ahead of his time in warning about climate change.”