SYDNEY, May 23, 2019 – Support for Greenpeace has skyrocketed in the wake of the Federal election result.

More than 40,000 Australians who want healthy oceans, clean air, and a decent future for their children have pledged to take action with Greenpeace as a result of the election of the coal-hugging Morrison Government.

“It is an unprecedented spike in support,” said Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO David Ritter.

“There is a sense of redoubled determination. The surge is a direct result of the election of a government without any credible plan to tackle the climate emergency.

“Coal is the number one driver of climate change in Australia and a government that cares about the lives of Australian families must have a plan for the rapid phase out of coal power.”

Greenpeace will be hosting activist and volunteer training seminars in capital cities across Australia from June 16.

The trainings will help those passionate about protecting our planet from climate damage to learn skills to spread the message about the urgent need for action. Attendees will be empowered to challenge the climate wreckers who have helped create the crisis we are in, and to help drive solutions from the grassroots up by urging councils, schools and businesses to switch to clean energy.

“Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos said very clearly during the ABC’s election night coverage that community sentiment can compel political action on climate, and thousands of Australians are now taking him up on that suggestion,” Mr Ritter said.

“The idea is that people leave the training with a plan for their own activities to protect the climate in their own communities.

“The Liberal Party took no worthwhile climate policies to the election and is now acting as if it has a mandate to fast-track every coal project and extend the life of every coal-burning plant.

“But the Coalition Government does not have a mandate to destroy the Great Barrier Reef or to turbocharge the climate disasters that are already harming thousands of Australian families or to throw away the future chances of the country.

“The first responsibility of any government is to safeguard the future security of the people of Australia – and that means first and foremost taking action on the climate emergency.

“Scott Morrison has been warned; the Coalition’s embrace of coal has woken a sleeping giant. Thousands of Australians are stepping up to take action for clean air, water and a thriving living planet free of coal-induced climate damage.”


For interviews

Greenpeace Australia Pacific Communications Campaigner, Martin Zavan

[email protected] / 0424 295 422